Frequently Asked Questions

Rules & Regulations

  • What is the speed limit in the neighborhood?

    The speed limit is 20MPH and is strictly enforced. PBSO patrols the neighborhood during random hours and tickets vehicles in excess of 20MPH.

  • What are the guidelines for parking on the street?

    Street parking is only allowed during daylight hours (dawn to dusk). For even months (February, April, June, August, October, December) street parking is limited to the even address side of the street. For odd months (January, March, May, July, September, November) street parking is limited to the odd address side of the street. You car must face the direction of travel for the side of the street you are parking. Note: Failure to follow these guidelines will result in a fine and/or vehicle tow.

  • Can I park overnight at the clubhouse?

    Parking at the clubhouse is not permitted when the clubhouse is closed during the hours of 10pm-5am. If you have an extenuating circumstance that does not allow you to park overnight in your driveway (paver sealing, driveway repairs, etc.) then you may request a pass to park at the clubhouse. 

    A parking pass must be requested at least 48 hours in advance and requests must be submitted to the property manager via e-mail. A parking pass will be issued for you to pick up at the management office and must be displayed on the dash in order to avoid being towed. 

    Note: 48 hours means if you want to park overnight at the clubhouse on Friday, you must submit your request on Wednesday prior.

  • Can I drive a golf cart on the neighborhood streets?

    Golf carts registered with the HOA are permitted to drive on the streets by licensed drivers. You may register your golf cart by visiting the management office. Proof of insurance is required when registering a golf cart and a renewal registration is due every year.

  • When are trash days and when can I put my garbage cans out?

    Trash days are on Tuesdays and Fridays and are collected by Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County .

    Trash cannot be put out before 6PM on the day before track pickup. On the day of collection, trash cans and recycling bins must be put away and out of sign by 11:59PM.

    Note: Putting out your trash before 6PM the day before collection, or leaving your trash out past the day of collection will result in an immediate violation.

Architectural Reviews

  • Are there guidelines for commonly submitted applications (Fences, Pools, Landscaping, etc)?

    Yes! We have a guide available ___ with all the architectural details you need to know for our most frequently submitted applications.

  • What is an architectural review and why do I need to apply for one?

    Palm Meadows Estates has an ACC committee that oversees all architectural changes to your home. Any changes made to the exterior of your home requires a review process to make sure it is aligned with the HOA’s guidelines. Before commencing any exterior work you must submit an application and include a $25 check.

Prospective Buyers